Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Love - the coincidence between all religions

I remember when i was a little child and my Grandfather start to talk to me about love... He said that we need to love everything around us everyday, because if we do everything with love... the sun is gonna shine in a more beautiful way, and everything will show us the most beautiful side of life on every moment...

I remember reading and reading about religions trying to find that amazing God that is made with love, and in the end i found that the love is the key for happiness for all the religions and is the coincidence between all of them..

One of the most beautiful ways to see the life is the I and I theory from the Rastafarism that says:´´we are part of everything and everything is a part of us´´ .... One love , one unity , one future for all of us. It brings the Humanity, the nature and the universe together ... for me at the end of the game LOVE is the essence of life,
Is the start and the end.
The alpha & omega
The Yin and Yang
The way to live
The answer to all the questions
One Love , One destiny

Positive blessings, love and peace,


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